Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Letter to the President

June 25, 2013
Dear Mr. President,
        Before anything else, I would like to commend you for winning the Presidential election. You deserve to be the President, Sir.
       Thank you for creating the Philippines a better nation compared from the previous years. Since you are making our country an improved and prosperous one, I just want to suggest something that could help our country be a more successful one and that is to have unison between the civilians and the terrorist especially in Mindanao. This must be implemented for the peace of our fellowmen’s mind and the safety for every one of us.
         I would also like to say thank you for giving your best to our country, supporting and providing the needs of your fellowmen and doing your obligation.
        Thank you for reading this simple letter of mine and I wish you to have more power in making our country a prosperous one.
Respectfully yours,

Ana Mae Regua